The Best Way From Jakarta Airport To The City: GoldenBird
Good morning from Antigua in Guatemala! While technically I am on a review trip at the moment, I wanted to share my favorite way to get from Jakarta Airport to the city. This service has saved me countless hours and provided me with great comfort throughout the many times I have visited Jakarta. This company is called GoldenBird.
GoldenBird is the upper-level tier of BlueBird, which is a taxi operator service in Jakarta. With this service, one can book a ride in a luxury car from the airport to the city for shy of 40$. Yes, let's address this topic. While 40$ in Indonesia is considered quite expensive, this post is targeted at foreigners coming into the country for the first time. There are certainly other ways to get to the city such as a grab but nothing will be as luxurious or efficient as GoldenBird (apart from a driver). Keep in mind the drive to the city sometimes takes 2 hours... Most cars in the fleet are Toyota Alphard, but I have also seen Mercedes Benz along with a few others. Another convenient aspect of GoldenBird is the fact you can bill it to the hotel. When arriving at the Four Seasons they asked if I wanted to pay in cash or pay at the hotel.

It's relatively simple to grab one of these cars. If you have someone from a hotel escorting you, they will deal with all for you. However, if you don't, you just head to the stand located right outside Terminal 3 in Jakarta.

You mention which hotel you are going to, a flat rate is given and you are on your way to the car. Once inside the cars have bottles of water for you and even Bluetooth which I connect to for music.

This is the most comfortable and most efficient way to get from Jakarta airport to the city. While it is more expensive than other avenues it is worth it in my opinion, especially if you get stuck in traffic. It is super easy to get a GoldenBird and the cars are luxurious. Before you ask, I don't get paid to recommend this service, I only share what I feel helps me.