Is Belize City Safe?
Before heading off to Belize City, a couple of people warned me about the safety of Belize City (obviously, they had never been). Well, for those looking to go in the near future, I wanted to take a minute to share my thoughts about the safety of Belize City.
For starters, the State Department lists Belize City as level 3 on its website. This means "reconsider travel" due to violent crime.

I am here to tell you that the north of the river is relatively safe. During my one night stay in Belize City, I stayed up near the Municipal airport (more on that later), and had a fantastic time out at the restaurants and bars. However, I did not go across the river to the south, so I cannot vouch for the safety there.
Gang Activity
There is gang activity in Belize... However, the majority of the time, they do not look for problems with tourists. After meeting some members of Caye Caulker, they told me that they just sell substances the majority of the time. What? I pride myself on honesty. They also don't carry substances around in public during the day on the islands either. I don't indulge in drugs, but I did share some drinks with a couple of the members. They were very nice people!

Other Aspects
Perhaps I have traveled too much or something, but I tend to always be safe and think ahead. Trusting my gut on every occasion. The people of Belize City might come up to you and ask you for money, but nothing more in the mentioned areas.
The point is, use your brain, and you'll be good.
Final Thoughts
Throughout my nights and mornings in Belize City, I thoroughly enjoyed my time and felt safe. As long as you stick to the North of the river, there should be no issues regarding safety on your travels to Belize City. Just always be aware of your surroundings though.