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Review: American Airlines Business Class 737-800 Max 8 Miami-Georgetown Guyana


After a splendid flight onboard the American Airlines 777-300 in Business Class from Los Angeles to Miami, it was time to board the second leg of this Africa and Caribbean adventure down to Guyana. Guyana was on my list for a number of reasons, the main one being that it's a Caribbean country that is part of South America. That has always fascinated me.

American Airlines 777-300

This leg of the journey would take me on a 737 Max 8 from Miami to Georgetown, the capital of Guyana. While I have flown the 737 countless times in business, it's always nice to see how service differentiates between the routes and crew.

Route-Miami (MIA)- Georgetown (GEO)

Seat- 2A

Flight Number- AA2567

Aircraft- Boeing 737 Max 8

Date- 21st May 2024

Flight Time: 4 Hours 29 Minutes

Price Paid- 668$ (2 Legs)

How I Booked

In order to get down to Georgetown, Guyana, to keep on the mission of being the youngest man to visit every country in the world, I found a fare that consisted of a widebody flight to Miami on American Airlines and then a flight from Miami to Georgetown in the late morning.

American Airlines Route to Guyana

For both flights, the total came out to 668$, which isn't too bad at all. Rumor has it that Georgetown is a relatively cheap airport to fly into🙃.


Upon relaxing in the lounge and enjoying some Piper Heidsick for a couple of hours, the time came near to board. I have reviewed the lounge plenty of times in the past, so if you would like to check it out, the link is here.

American Airlines Flagship Lounge Miami

The views are spectacular, and in the mornings, it's nice without the crowds in the lounge.

Views From Flagship Miami Lounge

Boarding commenced at 9:45 am for our scheduled departure time of 10:25 am. I arrived a tad late, but it was an empty flight, so this wasn't a problem.

Boarding in Miami Airport

I promptly found my seat 2A for the flight over Georgetown. Originally, I was booked into 3F, but I decided I wanted to be on the left side.

American Airlines 737 Max 8

American Airlines 737 Max 8 Miami


The cabin crew came around to take our pre-departure beverage about 15 minutes after boarding. I decided on a sparkling wine for this flight.

American Airlines Pre-Departure Beverage

Views out of Seat 2A American Airlines

We ended up pushing back at 10:23 am EST.

American Airlines 737 Max 8 Pushback

Miami Airport Terminal D

However, the captain informed us that we would be holding for a variety of reasons. A couple of moments prior to pushback, I talked with the captain and the FO. They mentioned that our routing informs us that we need to avoid Venezuelan airspace (for obvious reasons), and we would be cruising at 36,000 feet, but that might change.

Finally, we began moving again at 10:48 am.

6 minutes later, we were wheels up, departing East.

It was a gorgeous day in Miami; if everything wasn't so expensive, I might move there 🥴.

American Airlines departure views out of Miami

American Airlines departure views out of Miami

Meal Service

About 20 minutes after takeoff, the cabin crew came around to hand out hot towels. The flimsy ones that US carriers serve😒.

Hot towels on American Airlines Business Class

The FA came around to confirm my meal order; "short rib" was all that was said. We'll touch on service later, which didn't start great but ended up quite decently in Georgetown.

American Airlines 737 Max 8 Review

On this flight, only 10/16 seats in the business class were occupied. That is virtually unheard of these days, and that also meant I had a free seat next to me!

Free seat next to me in Business Class?

My drinks were served a short while later, and I opted for an AHA, as well as a glass of sparkling wine.

American Airlines Business Class Meal Service

40 minutes after takeoff, my short rib and mac and cheese were presented. Everything was delicious and the perfect way to send me off to sleep.

American Airlines Business Class Meal Service

American Airlines Business Class Meal Service

Rest Of The Flight/Service

Seeing as I had only slept for over an hour on the previous leg, I decided to curl up and get a bit of rest until 30 minutes out from Guyana.

American Airlines Business Class View

Soon enough, I awoke from my slumber to find a landing card for Guyana. Country 86 at the time of flying, up to 98 now!

In regards to service, it wasn't the best to begin with, but by the end of the flight, there were smiles all around. We actually ended up having cocktail hour at the Marriot since that is where the AA crew stays. Fancy that huh😂.

Guyana Landing Card

At this point, we are just rounding the bend of Venezuela. Ever since I was a kid, there have been a few places that have fascinated me. These are Venezuela, Russia, Somalia, Cuba, Indonesia, Brazil, Japan, and North Korea. These places have fascinated me for a number of reasons, but I think the biggest fascination to me is meeting people who don't match what the media portrays. Something I have learned on my travels is that not everything or everyone is "good," but not everyone or everything is "bad." Venezuela has been the most interesting one for me from afar since I have some Venezuelan friends who are unbelievably nice people but just can't go back to their way of living. Enough of this, let's continue.

American Airlines Views

Arrival Into Georgetown

The captain came on to announce our initial descent into Georgetown at 2:25 pm. First impressions of Guyana: Wow, this is a beautiful country! So green!

We were on final by 2:44 pm through some low clouds. Once again, kind of shocked at the beauty. It's my first time in the NE part of South America (not including Bogota).

We touched down at 2:48 pm, a little bit ahead of schedule. Georgetown doesn't see too many flights a day, so there was no holding pattern of the sort.

Another 4-minute taxi to the gate and we had arrived 12 minutes ahead of schedule, even after the delay!

Georgetown Airport Guyana

Georgetown Airport Guyana

As you can see, the place was empty...

Georgetown Airport Guyana

Bidding Farewell to My Extra Free Seat

A short walk later, we made it to immigration. It's all very straightforward here, with little delays.

Georgetown Airport Guyana

Also, don't take pictures in the arrivals hall like me; I learned my lesson😅.

Georgetown Airport Guyana

Everybody was extremely curious to see me arriving in Georgetown. Staff around the airport kept asking what I was doing there, if I was a YouTuber, etc.

Georgetown Airport Guyana

I quickly found my driver and headed off to the Marriot Hotel in Georgetown (review coming soon)!

Georgetown Airport Guyana

Well, not before stopping for a shot of local Guyanese rum😳🥰.

Georgetown Guyana

For those wondering, it's about a 45-minute drive from the airport to the main town.

Final Thoughts

A very pleasant flight onboard American Airlines from Miami to Georgetown. There was not much to complain about as the seat was the same as usual, the meal was quite good, I had no one sitting next to me, and the service (by the end) was good. American ticked all of the boxes once again, especially with their Flagship Lounge in Miami!

Meal Service


Seat (2A)






Overall Service






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