Exploring A Local Market In Vilankulo, Mozambique
One of the biggest highlights of this great African adventure was exploring a local in Vilankulo, Mozambique. In every country I visit in Africa, I tend to explore a local market as much as possible due to the bustling nature of these markets. However, the love and hospitality I was shown were some of the greatest I have ever experienced during my travels. What started as a trip to the market ended with a home that I would also be able to stay in.
The Experience
Vilankulo is a small town, just breaking 100,000 people. This basically means that it's not a very big town/city, and everything is close to one another. The main way to get around this place is by Tuktuk, so I happened to grab a Tuktuk from the side of the road and asked them to take me to the local market that I had so much heard about.

Arriving at the market, I was met with a couple of stares, some friendly and some a little confused. However, the second I stepped out of the TukTuk, I was met by a very friendly, English-speaking man who introduced himself to me. He informed me that for a small fee, he was happy to take me around the market and be my tour guide for however long I wanted.
We headed around, and he explained to me what was happening in the market. There were places for spices, places for eating, local bars tucked away where they drink and watch football, houses located behind, and even the washrooms (which I didn't visit).
However, my favorite part of the experience was meting the infamous tailors of Mozambique. When I say Mozambique is cheap, it is so cheap! I inquired about the cost of a custom-made swimsuit (because why not), and they replied that it was 4 USD (equivalent). Considering they took my measurements and made the swimsuit directly to my size, this was a bargain.
However, the tailor also informed me that it would take about 20-30 minutes to finish everything up and to come back in a while. Considering we were on the back end of the market tour, the kind man I met offered to take me to his house.
I'm not one of these so-called "woke people" who won't go anywhere with anyone (the other day, I got in a car with an illegal gambling operation after they offered me a ride). We are people; we aren't destined to hurt other people; instead, be friendly.
It was a short walk until we arrived at his house, and I was greeted with a traditional welcome. Cake and tea were offered to me by the mother as we shared life stories. Additionally, I happened to meet his brother as well, who asked if I wanted to smoke up (I am sober from drugs now). After an hour of talking, the mother didn't want anything but to offer me a place to stay whenever/however long I wanted.

Now, that to me is Mozambique. When I say the kindest people I have ever met are in Mozambique, I 100% mean it.
Final Thoughts
What was supposed to be a quick tour of a local market in Vilankulo soon turned out to be much more than that. From being offered food for free from the locals to being invited into somebody's home to meeting a family that was happy to take me in for however long I wanted, this is a moment I look back on to this day.
If you happen to be in Vilankulo, ask a taxi driver to take you to the local market; they know where it is.